We aim for R-Evolve to benefit as many young people in the Scottish Borders as possible. Towards this goal we have created a workshop on the campus of Selkirk High School that will allow us to engage with young people from the most populous areas of the central borders while we retain our workshop space in Peebles to serve the western side of the region.

In order for the project to reach the rest of the Borders region we believe the best solution is to create a ‘Mobile Workshop’ that brings the workshop sessions to the pupils location rather than having them travel to a destination that may be impractical.This model would see us visit a location on, or off school property as desired, and set up the equipment in a suitable space in which to deliver the sessions. Towards this aim we are looking to set up taster sessions at potential new locations in order to assess the demand and understand how best we can deliver the concept and would be delighted to hear from anyone interested.

R-evolve is actively forming these plans through our contact with Community Learning and Development (CLD) Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) and Skills Development Scotland (SDS) who have recognised the potential of our project to help young people within and out with formal education to deliver the employment skills and qualifications their organisations are tasked to deliver.

We are particularly keen to engage with educational providers to understand how best we can work with them to augment and supplement the courses and training in their curriculum.Through our ongoing with the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) we have identified a number of courses and units that R-evolves activities can currently deliver or can be adapted to deliver.We are also in the process of applying to become an SQA Approved Centre to broaden the scope of our service with the ambition to create bespoke courses in the future.

We are happy to organise taster sessions to pupils form the locality in the format described above. We are confident that this will confirm the viability of the model and generate experiences and feedback that will help us develop our project for the wider benefit of young people across the region.