Our projects and workshop sessions are inherently designed to provide young people with diverse opportunities to work towards formal awards and qualifications. These range from working on individual skills counting towards SQA Youth Achievement awards through to voluntary hours for Duke of Edinburgh and Saltire awards.
We aim to work with school and college departments that offer courses linked to our workshop activities to provide alternative or supplementary course work that will be evidenced towards their qualification. There are several courses we have identified through the SQA which R-evolves workshop programs can support in this way and we are keen to discuss how we can align our activities to deliver an expanding range of units and modules.
Currently we are also working towards becoming an SQA approved centre in order to offer a wider range of educational opportunities to a more diverse demographic as an independent service provider.
R-evolve will also monitor the success of our project in less formal ways by engaging with the young people to help us understand how the project can develops its core aims of creating a lifelong toolkit for personal and employability opportunities.